The Essence of Sadhana

Our purpose at The Essence of Sadhana is to guide you on the path of awakening.


Sadhana (sar-da-nah) means, dedication and devotion to a daily spiritual practice.


Our values at The Essence of Sadhana are embedded into everything that we do! A yoga school created first and foremost to celebrate the student. To honour the traditions of yoga yet encourage independent and critical thinking. Whilst our knowledge is limited to our own experience we embrace that there are many paths of yoga and to not discriminate those who walk a different path.

In the yoga tradition, Sadhana refers to the daily practices that progress us forward on the path of yoga and indeed, lead to the goal of self realisation. It is a beautiful reminder for all students and teachers of yoga that before we can be great teachers of yoga, we must first become great students of yoga.

At The Essence of Sadhana our mission is to dive deep into the heart of ALL of what yoga offers. A school that welcomes diversity, laughter, fun whilst embodying the ancient wisdom of that which sets us free. A school that welcomes ALL practitioners and embraces those who are fearlessly carving their own path. A school for those who are ready to embark on the greatest journey, a pilgrimage of their inner landscape.



“Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul creates the symphony of life”

B.K.S Iyengar

“Sadhana is the constant attempt to maintain a spiritual awareness of your life. Satsang is getting together with other people who are trying to do the same.” Robert Moss (2).png


Meet Brooke Devi the founder of The Essence of Sadhana.

This yoga school was created for the seeker, the ones yearning for depth beyond shape, the lovers of philosophy and all things that ignite your inner fire. The Essence of Sadhana yoga school was birthed in the early hours of the morning whilst nursing my son. A vision of a community that thrived off wellness of mind and openness of heart. A collective of teachers who gather in satsang and celebrate all that yoga offers.

After years of teaching, practicing and studying yoga what I have learnt is if we turn to our inner world with courage and humility, if we seek to remove the layers that keep us stuck in fear and separateness THIS is where we find the magic of yoga.

I am truly honoured to be leading these trainings and retreats alongside an incredible team of yoga teachers and professionals in their field. My promise to you is that I will teach you everything that I know and run along side of you as we take the greatest pilgrimage within.


A special thank you to my teachers who without this would not be possible. To Ty Landrum for his poetic mythology story and teaching me the roots of Hatha Yoga. To Rose Baudin who awakened my shakti and taught me the living tradition and embodiment of Tantra. To Erin Evans who taught me the power of speech and hidden gems of asana. Thank you to every teacher who has mentored me and believed in this vision.