Who is Devi?
Devi, also known as Mahadevi or 'Great Goddess', is an all embracing Mother Goddess first worshiped in India. Devi, meaning goddess in Sanskrit, represents the feminine energy known as Shakti (power), with Deva representing the masculine divine.
In Hindu Mythology Shakti has five “faces”. She manifests as the power to be conscious, the power to feel ecstasy, the power of will or desire, the power to know, and the power to act. Shakti acts through the power of thoughts and the play of our emotions. She weaves herself into our passions, our pleasures and our peacefulness. Her energy can be nurturing and manifest in the forms of Lakshmi or Saraswati, who gently guide us towards creativity and abundance. On the other hand, her shakti appears as the great warrior goddess Durga or Kali, the goddess of destruction and death.
We all sense that something profound is missing from the world today. We believe that in order to be successful you must
do more, be more, have more. In truth, we are in our essence made of Shakti, only it manifests in our modern world as masculine energy. Our bonds with the divine feminine have weakened. We have forgotten how to play, how to dance, how to sing and tell stories. We have forgotten how to move freely in this world, yet at the same time have a burning passion and desire within, which we channel towards cosmic creativity.
Devi is the force that nudges you towards your evolution.
When we invoke the goddess, the view of ourselves, the world and our capacity for transformation fiercely expands. Above all, you learn to dance with her and all of her forms.
On our first Devi Retreat we will be calling upon Durga. She is the Queen, the guardian, the mother and power behind a spiritual awakening. She is the one we call upon when we are in deep trouble. The one who slays our inner demons and protects us from dark forces. She is there to slay our egoic pride, arrogance, selfishness and cutthroat ambition.
Her story is one of transformation and overcoming our internal struggle.
The Shakti of the goddess even in her fierceness, is sweet, loving and expansive. Yet ruthless, sharp and truth seeking. The more that we dance with her and recognise her as a part of our lives, as equal to the divine masculine, the more her gifts will shine through and our ability to embody her and all that she is.
She is waiting for your call.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.