Udana Vayu - The awakening of your dormant potential
Just as lions, elephants and tigers are gradually controlled, the prana is controlled through practice. Otherwise the practitioner is destroyed.
Chapter 2, verse 15 The Hatha Pradipika
In our previous blogs we've shared with you an introduction to the 5 Prana Vayus, read here, and the functions and importance of Apana vayu, Samana vayu and Prana vayu. Today we will be diving into the subtle aspects of Udana vayu.
In the above sloka we are told that if we leave prana unrestrained, like a wild animal, prana is exhausted creating sickness and depleting our life force. Prana has to be channeled and directed which is a tedious and delicate process, like taming a wild unpredictable animal. When prana is guided and directed intelligently it merges back into its original source, finding complete unity in every aspect of your being.
Udana Vayu is specifically related to the upward moving force of energy associated with the ascension of Kundalini. Kundalini is the name of the potential force inherent in every human being, opening the door to liberation. The key to unlocking this inherent potential is through the purification of the Nadis and the Chakras, allowing for the rise of Kundalini to travel up the central channel, the Sushumna Nadi, activating the central nervous system. If the door is opened before the purification has taken place, Kundalini may rise through Ida nadi associated with parasympathetic nervous system or Pingala nadi associated with sympathetic nervous system. With the premature rise of Kundalini it may result in consciousness to enter into a dark and untamable place, rather when rising through Sushumna the yogi breaks free from bondage of ignorance and becomes the knower of yoga.
One should practice Hatha yoga under the guidance of an adept teacher to awaken Kundalini with great care and great patience!
Here are some ways in which you can begin to cleanse the nadis and the chakras in preparation for the full activation of Udana vayu;
Asana: Inversions and backbends
Pranayama: Nadi Shodhana is a great pranayama to start with however with guidance of a teacher the practices and techniques become more indepth with bundha, kriya and kumbhaka application.
Meditation: Mooladhara chakra the location of the dormant potential of the Kundalini energy. By activating mooladhara chakra the energy is agitated and will seek to rise up out of its bondage. Ida and Pingala must be closed and Sushumna must be cleared and open. When both nostrils are open, Sushumna door is open.
For those interested in learning more about this, The Hatha Pradipika is my go to source when it comes to these methods of practice. Learn from someone who has walked this path before, who knows the way and is able to guide us whilst we travel the inner terrain.