Ritucharya - Summer seasonal guideline
Ayurveda teaches us that the relationship we have with nature can affect the relationship we have with our health and wellbeing. When we fall out of alignment with the natural rhythms of nature and forget that we are more than the gross body, it results in imbalances and disease of the mind and body. This ancient science guides us on how to live in harmony with nature and we do that through Ritucharya.
Ritucharya translates as “ritu” meaning season, and “charya” translating to “guidelines”. These guidelines serve as prescriptions for diet and lifestyle changes throughout the year according to seasonal change. Acting against these guidelines may create greater imbalance affecting your immune system, energy and mental clarity.
Just as we learnt in our previous blog the entire universe is made up of 5 elements which are then subdivided into the Doshas. Each season has a predominant dosha which accumulates and either pacifies or ignites these energies within us.
Summer is ruled by Pitta, the elements of fire and water, but mostly fire. Pitta governs assimilation and transformation, logical and linear thinking. A pitta dosha tends to perceives details first, then the whole picture. When balanced, we feel the tapas of devotion, courage, clarity and the ability to assimilate life experience into wisdom. When aggravated, we become irritable, controlling, have difficulty sleeping, our skin becomes irritated just to name a few.
Cooling - Eat foods that are naturally cooling (but not cold foods) like coconut, camomile, peppermint, sweet, bitter, astringent and eat at a SLOW pace! Exercise that is cooling (avoid hot yoga) try swimming, hiking, yin yoga.
Surrender - We can't control everything. Try to go with the flow a little more this season, maybe even find a bit more spontaneity.
Leisure - Something Pittas aren't so greatly at! This means you are simply doing something because you ENJOY it, not to get somewhere, not for exercise, not for any gain other than leisure! Maybe it's dancing, swimming in the ocean, or dousing your body in cooling coconut oil.
Try this cooling summer coconut kitchari which pacifies Pitta
1tbs coconut oil
1 cup rice
1 cup yellow split peas
¾ inch ginger
4 cups chopped vegetables - carrot, zucchini, spinach
⅓ cup coriander
⅓ cup coconut shredded
½tsp turmeric
4 cups vegetable broth
1.2 cup coconut milk
Heat oil and add vegetables (minus spinach save that for the end), turmeric, ginger, and a pinch of coriander plus salt and pepper. Cook until tender.
Add rice, yellow split peas, broth and cook on low heat for 20 minutes and continue to stir. Then cover and cook for a further 15 minutes or until tender.
In the meantime blend coconut, coriander and coconut milk.
Stir in coconut milk mixture and spinach for the final 5 minutes.
Pitta is the season of transformation, passion and embracing your zest for life! Be spontaneous, let go of perfecting everything and enjoying cooling activities.